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Pastor Brenda & Brian Maurer

Lead Pastor

Pastor Brenda & Brian w​as voted in as Lead Pastors in 2015. Experiencing all God has for us and making Him known is our passion for Cornerstone Assembly of God. No we are not a group of perfect people, but we are surrendered to God and are constantly allowing Him to form us into the image of His Son, Jesus. We preach the full Gospel of Christ, Loving God and Loving Others, extending Mercy and forgiveness, offering Hope and Healing to all.


The Cornerstone Team

"equipping the body"



Pastor Amy & Tom Young

Worship Pastor

Pastor Amy & Tom are the proud parents of 10 children! They have a busy schedule, but continue to sail through the storms with peace in their hearts and a song on their lips.



Student Leadership Team

From Children's Ministry to Youth Ministry (and yes, even Young Adult Ministry) is lead by a Student Leadership Team that is dedicated to growing strong relationships with God and with each other. Each week is focused on digging into the Truth of God's Word and applying this knowledge to our everyday life. Youth Events and Children's Events are being scheduled and will be listed under Upcoming Events.

What We Believe

We are an Assembly of God church that holds true to the values and beliefs of our fellowship.

Below is a list of links that will outline those in detail.


Assemblies of God - Beliefs

Assemblies of God - Core Doctrines

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